Software category

Ansible Patterns and Conventions

Due to the fact that there are no official and global Ansible conventions, sometimes is really difficult reusing roles/playbooks from the community. This could be an approach to try to solve the issue by defining some patterns and conventions.


My approach for documentation

I do not like writing documentation, I do not know anybody who likes doing it, but after years of experience, I have noticed it is one of the most important parts of a project: the way to drive to excellence, because it can mark the difference between a good system and an excellent system.


Architectural Patterns. Microservices.

Recently I have been at the Software Circus conference in Amsterdam, and there I learnt the definition of a microservice I have ever heard: "piece of software with a purpose which fits in your mind".


Understanding the KISS principle

KISS stands for "Keep It Simple Stupid", it is a kind of design rule which states simplicity over complexity to avoid creating systems difficult to understand and maintain, but what is the meaning of complicated? what is the limit to say that something is complex?
